My name is Janet and I am a longtime allergy sufferer – sneezing, itching eyes, runny nose, congestion, you name it. I used to try all kinds of medication and decongestants to alleviate my symptoms – some worked, some didn’t, some worked a few times but stopped working thereafter. I was increasingly frustrated at myself and desperately wanted a long-term solution.
I am also a mom of four – as a health enthusiast, I care enormously about the health of my children and want the best for them. I did not want my children to go through the same suffering I went through. When my eldest child started showing the symptoms I had one spring, I took it upon myself to do as much research as I could in search for a cure. I did not want to rely on any form of medication – I thought to myself that there must be some alternative to medication.
Eventually, I learned about air purifiers. I took me a long time to finally find the best air purifier for me and my family, but I learned a lot in the process. There is too much marketing out there that can make it difficult for you to figure out the facts. As a work-at-home-mom, I discovered that I love reviewing various household appliances and making recommendations to my friends based on their needs.
The result is this website – I hope the information on this website will help you very quickly find the air purifier, humidifier, air conditioner or other home appliance you need.
Warmest regards
Janet Miller