In our Claritin True HEPA Air Purifier review we gave it outstanding scores, especially For those with allergies. Among the air purifiers we have reviewed, the Claritin air purifier stands out. Over the years, it has been observed that there is a surge in number of people suffering from respiratory illnesses particularly asthmas and allergies. This is inevitable as more and more people have felt the drastic change of weather and the increasing contributing factors of pollution. It is no wonder people resort to air purifiers in hoping to minimize asthma and allergy attacks. One product that is seriously aiming for a healthier and cleaner indoor air is Claritin True HEPA Permanent Filter Air Purifier.
Claritin Air Purifier Photos
Claritin Air Purifiers were made specifically for people with respiratory conditions. It is equipped with features that help in reducing the occurrence of attacks and hopefully remedy these respiratory conditions. Though there are many air purifiers sold today that address respiratory illnesses, the Claritin Permanent Filter Air Purifier offers more advanced methods in making sure that your indoor air is free from allergens and contaminants.
It comes with 5 clean settings, including one designed for bedtime (Super Quiet setting) and one designed for allergen removal (Super Clean setting). It also comes with an ionizer that can be turned on or off, which will generate negative ions to bind with contaminants such as smoke, dust, and pollen.
Check Price on Amazon: Claritin True HEPA Permanent Filter Air PurifierPermanent HEPA Filter
Most air purifiers become more expensive because their filters need to be replaced from time to time. Filters are not cheap but with Claritin you do not have to worry changing its filters. Its True HEPA filters are washable. You do not have to buy new filters yearly. Just make sure to check the filters regularly and wash them on schedule for a more effective cleaning.
More Cleaning Options
You can adjust the cleaning control setting of this air purifier depending on your needs. You can set it in Super Quiet mode or Super Clean or you can even turn on its optional ionizer. With its ionizer option you are assured to a more thorough and efficient air cleaning. The ionizer binds with the dusts and allergens through its negative ions. Even the minutest particles can be captured with this air purifier
Programmable Timer
If you are out and want to have a clean and safe haven once you arrive home, you can program its built-in timer to start working. You can set the timer up to 12 hours. The product is equipped with a programmable timer to maximize air cleaning while you are away. This feature becomes handy especially, when you or your family member has respiratory illnesses. The moment you arrive home, you are welcomed with a clean and fresh-smelling air.
With its great design and amazing features, its price is a good deal. You do not have to buy bulky and expensive air purifiers because this product can do the same job.
Check Price on Amazon: Claritin True HEPA Permanent Filter Air PurifierThe Claritin Permanent Filter Air Purifier is built for those with serious respiratory conditions. Through its true HEPA filters, the product can eliminate airborne pollutants and odors even those as small as 0.3 microns. However, with its powerful cleaning features you need to change its filters at least twice a year. It is necessary that the filters are replaced so that it can perform well.
I lost my owners manual for the Claritin Tower air cleaner and need to know what the amber light on the rear of the machine means, I cleaned the filters but the light stay on, or where can i get a replacement owners manual